Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Peanut Butter Pundit is Born.

Peanut Butter

1. A paste made from ground roasted peanuts.
2. A crunchy creamy delight for which I am thankful for every day.

I don't get upset about my Celiac Disease often. I've felt healthier since my diagnosis 14 months ago, than at any point in the past 10 or so years of my life. While it raises my risk of some pretty awful illnesses it's not going to kill me, at least, not directly. And while it restricts some of my food options, there are replacements for just about everything.

Sometimes however, it gets me down. It's a crappy disease and creates a line of “Before and After” in my life. I'm not sure why that annoys me so much, but it does.

Lately I’ve been feeling really sad about it. This week I wanted I burst into tears at the sight of a big doughy Dunkin Donuts bagel at a breakfast meeting. Those bagels show up twice a week every week at my morning meetings and I never look twice at them. After having eaten two peanut butter and Nutella slathered gluten free waffles for breakfast, those doughy monstrosities rarely tempt me. Every once in a while however, it makes me so so so sad that I can’t just haphazardly nosh on workplace goodies like the rest of the free gluten loving world.

It’s not important and I need to stop whining. I should be so lucky to have a disease that is so easily cured by a dietary change. Luckily there are lots of my favorite foods that I still get to eat – peanut butter, ice cream, and chocolate. I take advantage of that fact nearly every day. I am now a self proclaimed expert on all things peanut butter (see blog name). Since going gluten free I've needed to maximize my peanut butter intake to minimize by bouts of "woe as me, celiacs sucks, pity parties".

That being said – today I really hate my disease, and I'm writing about it, because even for a no big deal chronic illness, I think it's important to for people to know how the background noise feels.

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